Once, as an enthusiastic young newlywed, I planted what seemed like a ton of bulbs. Every. Single. Day that next spring I was checking for sprouts. Nothing, nada, zilch came up. I was heartbroken!! Since then I have happily had the chance to learn a bit more about bulbs and that is what I want to share with you today.
Problem: ARGH!! The deer (or mole, vole, or other dang critter) ate my tulips, again.
Problem Solving bulb: Cheery, pest reviled Daffodils
Daffodils for the win!! Daffodils are simply not appetizing to the many hungry critters that can plague a winter garden. You can find daffodils in a range of yellows and whites, and sometimes with orange or peach (usually called pink in catalogs) cups. With so many fun shapes and sizes, planting new ones each year can be addicting (I want them ALL!), however most will come back year after year, even multiplying when happy. Some of my favorite varieties are “Geranium” a late blooming fragrant cluster of white flowers with golden cups and “Accent”, which is white with a apricot colored cup. See also Allium
Narcissus “Geranium”
Problem: Quick, I need color STAT!!
Problem Solving Bulb: Sweet, bee feeding Crocus to the rescue.
February and March are painfully dreary to me. Do you get hungry for color at the end of winter too? Try some crocus in your garden! They are among the earliest of bloomers. Blooming in purples, whites, and yellows, these little flowers are also favorites for early foraging bees.
Crocus blooming in the snow.
Problem: I’ve got the late spring blah, blah, blahs
Problem Solving Bulbs: Allium and Dutch Iris (yep, a two for one)
You know that moment, the tulips are gone, the daffodils are long gone, other than the greening up grass, your yard looks like winter again. Boring! Allium and Dutch iris can extend the spring color show, flowering later in May and June. I love both these blooms so much I’m adding hundreds to the farm this fall. Alliums come in mostly purples, with some harder to find whites and yellows. Alliums, which are in the onion family also repel deer, take that Bambi! Dutch iris come in a gorgeous array of colors and even make great cut flowers. Look for both in our bouquets this spring.
Allium going to seed.
Dutch iris blooming in May.
Problem: My tulips only bloom one spring and then disappear.
Problem solving Bulb: Darwin Tulips
I know, I know, these are tulips but often I hear how someone planted a bunch of tulips, had a beautiful display and then nothing the next year. So frustrating! Most tulips are meant to be treated as annuals, but there are a few types that will consistently come back without any back breaking digging and storing. Look for tulips that are Darwin types, and late doubles, these tulips are great at lasting at least several years in the garden. My favorites- Salmon Impression (all the Impression series are good), Marit, and Double Negrita.
Tulipa “Marit” with creeping phlox
So tell me, are you going to try any of these bulbs in your garden? Any favorites I missed?